The Joys and Challenges of Getting Back To Learning Piano

Thinking about taking up piano, but don't know where to start?
- You're not alone!
When is the last time that you decided to start learning something new?
If you have been focussing on a career, or raising kids it might have been quite a while. You might wish you could play an instrument, but there is a chorus of voices in your head of why not to get back to piano. "I'm too old to learn something new", "I don't have time for it", or "I was never good at it in the first place".
Many of us are haunted by negative self talk, but is there actually any truth to this?
There is a magic power in any adult piano learning. And there's an amazing amount to gain being able to express yourself with the best instrument of all... There may be a few challenges to overcome, but the good news is; those are mainly in our minds. Not in the reality.
Are you too old?
You are NEVER too old!
People often think only kids learn fast, and kids are of course "learning machines". But kids do nothing but learn; That is their job! And they do so in a very encouraging, low pressure environment with all the time in the world. They are exposed to new materials, and learn skills, not because they want to become good at something, but because they need to use them. The PianoEasy Kids program with its fun piano pieces that cover many styles and skills is specifically designed for that!
With the PianoEasy Adults program you actually learn comparatively faster and you master more aspects of playing piano in a shorter time. Adults have the advantage of drawing upon a huge amount of experience, using their hands and mature brains. They have been exposed to a lifetime of learning, and also a lifetime of hearing music.
Unfortunately adults who learned piano as kids were often taught in ways that made mastering music really hard. Their previous experience added a sense of having failed before. They may struggle with anxiety and even shame about their playing. In the past piano methods often set them up not to play well, like only learning by reading music. Or by learning songs, but with no method to it, not learning the chords and theory behind them and how each song can be played in lots of different ways.
Here are some tricks to help you set aside your anxieties and to let go of unrealistic expectations.
STEP 1: Be humble and embrace being an adult beginner. Don't worry about getting good as fast as possible. Trust and enjoy the process of being a learner. Ask the "dumb questions", expect the mistakes, rejoice in small achievements and progress and laugh at the natural imperfections. You might be worried what others might be thinking, but actually, commonly nobody is looking at you. We sometimes feel other people are paying more attention to us than they really are.
STEP 2: Don't try and teach yourself. Many PianoEasy players tell me that they wasted years trying to learn "for free", what they learned with PianoEasy in 10 lessons. Save yourself that wasted time and frustration. Also stay away from teachers who can't play well, or good piano players who don't know how to teach. With the complete, step by step PianoEasy method I can be your "trusted expert" who helps you, having both decades of piano playing AND piano teaching experience and literally thousands of success stories.
STEP 3: There will be endless improvement and there will also be plateaus. Sometimes it might even feel like you're going backwards as the brain re-organises itself. Don't let that discourage you, but trust the PianoEasy process. Take stock every few months or so, and you'll know that you have got better. Hang in there for the long run and I guarantee you will grow to your own piano perfection.
One final word of advice: The threshold of beginning can be your greatest stumbling block. Take that first step! Click that "two weeks free" link. Jump on the train and let it take you musical places beyond your wildest imagination.
Enjoy the process. No need to question yourself!
See you online!
I'll be supporting you all the way!
Your piano teacher, Anneka
P.S. If you still have any questions or doubts, please ring me on 0448609049!
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